Hi all,
The ballot for the Guinness 6 Nations tickets is now open!
There are 3 matches to choose from this season with England hosting France, Scotland and Italy at Twickenham. The club has limited allocations for each game, so if you would like to put your name into the ballot, please contact Dave Walker at davepaulwalker@gmail.com by the 18th of September.
Please note you will need to be a paid-up season 24/25 member* to be able to apply for tickets. If you would like any further information on memberships, please contact Emma Gunbie at emmagunbie@hotmail.co.uk .
We also ask that if you are allocated a ticket, but decide in the end not to purchase, that you let Dave know, so he can re-allocate.
*Social and mini/youth playing members are not eligible for the ballot.